
It is my passion to help in the healing and unfolding of your greater self for a more Joy Filled life and for the betterment of humanity and the world we share.

  • finding the Beauty of your unique design,
  • gaining more Awareness of yourself and the world around you
  • understanding your Connection to the planet Earth on which you live

Inner balance brings hope, self realization and more joyful external world experiences.


I am a certified Quantum Bio-Energy Practitioner and use that knowledge to assess and guide you in gaining greater hope and confidence in your own abilities.

Energy work allows for the clearing of blocks and a smooth flow of Life Force through the meridians of the Physical/Etheric, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual bodies. I offer healing through the understanding of who you really are so that you are free to BE you in this ever changing world. Read about the benefits of energy healing.

I welcome the opportunity to Co-create a way for you to share what you know and love to do with the world. Quimby Campbell ~ CPEH., Reiki Master